Orientation Retreat: Before COVID all Fellows were required to attend a weekend orientation in early April. Since COVID we have had to make some changes in the length and venue of the Orientation, but it will still take place on a weekend early in April. It is absolutely mandatory and anyone not able to attend should not apply for the Fellowship. The exact dates of the retreat will be available sometime in early November and the venue will depend on COVID protocols at that date.
Service Project: Working in collaboration with a local community agency, each Fellow must design and carry out a service project of at least 200 hours that is focused on maintaining, supporting and improving community health. Each Fellow will work under the supervision of a site mentor from the participating agency, and an academic mentor of the student’s choice from the student’s current academic institution. The Program Director is available to provide support and guidance throughout the Fellowship period. The 200 hours is separate from any school course requirement. At least half of the 200 hours should be in direct, face-to-face contact with the population being served. Some changes to these requirements may be necessary due to COVID protocols at the time. These direct service hours do not include administrative duties, research, needs assessments or other Fellowship activities. In designing a project, potential Fellows should carefully consider the issues of evaluation and sustainability and include their ideas for addressing these aspects of the project.
Reports: Fellows are required to submit monthly reports and reflections about their activities and a comprehensive written final report to their Program Director, Academic Mentor(s), and Site Mentor(s).
Program Evaluation: Fellows are required to complete a pre- and post- survey for the Fellowship. Each Fellow’s site mentor also must complete a final site mentor survey. Links to these on-line surveys will be provided by the Program Director. These surveys are in addition to each Fellow’s evaluation plan for their individual project.
Monthly Meetings: Fellows are required to attend all monthly meetings. Monthly meetings provide the Fellows with leadership development, skills-based workshops, interdisciplinary discussions, time for reflection on community service, and an opportunity to network with like-minded students from diverse fields as well as professionals in areas of interest to them.
Each Fellow will be required to write an op-ed piece on a subject of their choosing and submit it for possible publication.
Public Outreach: The Fellows work together as a group to organize a public outreach project. The design and execution of this outreach project is the sole responsibility of the Fellows. A small budget will be provided for costs incurred.
Recruitment: In the fall of each year, Fellows will work with the Program Director to organize information sessions about the SF Bay Area Schweitzer Fellows Program and present information at their schools about their Fellowship experiences.
Stipend: Fellows receive a stipend of $2,000 distributed in three payments throughout the Fellowship year as specific program objectives are completed. The stipend may be used in any way the Fellow wishes, including project related costs and personal expenses. As our funding is limited, the SF Bay Schweitzer Fellowship is unable to provide any additional financial support beyond the stipend.
Celebration of Service: New Fellows are required to attend the Celebration of Service in May 2023 to honor outgoing current Fellows and welcome the new group. In the following year 2024 Fellows will be similarly honored and may be required to prepare a poster describing their projects’ goals and accomplishments. The details about this event will be formulated depending on COVID protocols at the time.